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HSW Services
TruDOSE IV Therapy
TruDOSE IV Therapy uses a person's own platelets to stimulate the body's own self healing properties.
When the body’s immune system is weakened, issues can arise leading to chronic systemic inflammation. This inflammation interrupts the body’s repair process and left unaddressed forces the body to sequentially shut off functions (cellular, organ, and metabolic) - in an order only the body knows.
As functions shut down in the body, symptoms arise along with disease conditions. This cycle keeps repeating itself until the body is simply stuck perpetually in a state of systemic inflammation.

IV Nutrition
IV nutrition offers instant and maximum nutrient access to the body for the benefit of numerous health needs.
Boost immunity
Replenish vitamins & nutrients
Increase hydration
Improve energy & performance
Recharge cellular function
100% bioavailable nutrients

Releasing Stuck Emotions
Many physical illnesses have an emotional root. The Neuro Emotional Technique helps the body release stored toxic emotions.

Neuro Emotional Technique
Releasing Stuck Emotions
Emotional trauma happens as a result of experiencing a stressful event that one is unable to process. It’s been scientifically validated that stress can then get stored in the body as a toxin and over time lead to disease.
The Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) is not counseling but simply a proven mind-body stress tool that can identify and reduce stored emotional stress and triggers. When released, people can experience resolution to health issues that they didn’t realize had an emotional component. Many experience immediate results.
Optimal Wellness Programs
Our body was made to heal itself. The path to optimal health involves removing from the body what is preventing healing and providing the body what it is missing. We can guide you on that journey to health recovery and vitality.

Healing the Root
Eliminating Toxins & Pathogens
Healing the root has to do with finding and eliminating the harmful toxins and pathogens within our bodies. These toxins can include heavy metals as well as 30,000+ chemicals we're continually exposed to in our air, water, food and personal care products. The build-up of these toxins can weaken our immune system which makes us vulnerable to the growth of harmful pathogens that include bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast and parasites.
Is your health suffering? We'd love to help you get to the root and help you recover your life. Contact us for a free Discovery Call or a Wellness Consultation.

Building the Foundation
Cellular Health = Optimal Health
The other side of the health equation is providing the body with what it may be lacking by addressing nutritional and lifestyle needs. Optimal health means having the keys to a satisfying life with vitality, longevity, and productivity.
No matter your health goals, we can test for what your body may be lacking and design a program unique to your individual needs and desires.
What are your health goals? To reverse illness? To optimize your health potential? To live a long & full life?
Balancing the Nervous System
A malfunctioning hypothalamus can affect any part of the nervous and endocrine systems.

A Hypothalamus Reset
Restoring Internal Balance
The hypothalamus is the ‘master controller’ for both our autonomic nervous system and our endocrine system (ALL our hormones). Therefore, a disconnection along this pathway can produce significant health issues. However, it can be quickly and easily restored using a simple non-invasive technique called the Hypothalamic Reset Technique.
Struggling with hormone issues? Allergies? Blood sugar balance?
Learning difficulties? Post-anesthesia problems?
And so many other conditions! Perhaps you simply need a reset!
Wellness Classes
Wellness is an ongoing journey. Join us as we explore the many ways to optimize your own health journey. Read our blog, join our classes and more.
Coming This Fall